Windows Gadgets S _BEST_
Windows Desktop Gadgets is a feature of Windows Vista and Windows 7 (excluding the Windows Server family of the operating system). It hosts mini-applications or "gadgets" which are a combination of scripts and HTML code. Their use cases include displaying system time, downloading and displaying RSS feeds, or controlling other software such as Windows Media Player. In Windows Vista, gadgets can run "docked" in the sidebar. In Windows 7, they can "float" anywhere on the desktop. It is also possible to run multiple instances of a gadget simultaneously. Windows Vista and 7 sidebar also works on Windows XP.[4]
Windows Gadgets s
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Windows Vista ships with eleven gadgets: Calendar, Clock, Contacts, CPU Meter, Currency Conversion, Feed Headlines, Notes, Picture Puzzle, Slide Show, Stocks, and Weather. Several other gadgets available during the Vista beta such as App Launcher, Feed Viewer, Number Puzzle, Recycle Bin and Egg Timer never made it to the final release of Windows Vista. Windows 7 adds a Media Center gadget and removes the Contacts, Notes and Stocks gadgets.
Originally, Microsoft provided a link to a web site called Windows Live Gallery where additional Sidebar gadgets that have been created by third-party developers could be downloaded. The site was officially retired on October 1, 2011.[5][6]
Gadgets aren't available anymore. Instead, Windows 10 now comes with lots of apps that do many of the same things and much more. You can get more apps for everything from games to calendars. Some apps are better versions of the gadgets you love, and many of them are free.
It is possible to fix the issue by running this script i have it set to startup, works everytime resets gadgets to working again might be useful for others having problems more info below save as .bat
8Gadgets gives a utility which can be launched from the Start Menu and gives you the option to disable Autorun on Windows startup. You can also make gadgets smaller or bigger depending on your needs. The changes made to all the gadgets can also be restored from here. These are some of the additional settings you get in 8gadget which are not available in the Windows Desktop Gadgets which was discussed earlier.
By default, the WinZip Gadget will install and display immediately, if you already have the Windows Sidebar running (i.e. you have any other gadgets displayed on your Desktop). If you would like to prevent automatic displaying of the gadget, you can uncheck the Include WinZip gadget on the desktop box in the Explorer Configuration pane of WinZip Setup pictured below.
Windows Desktop Gadgets is a feature of Windows Vista and Windows 7 and is not available on the Windows Server family of operating system. It hosts mini-applications or "gadgets" which are a combination of scripts and HTML code. Their use cases include displaying system time, downloading and displaying RSSfeeds, or controlling other software such as Windows Media Player. In Windows Vista, gadgets can run "docked" in the sidebar. In Windows 7, they can "float" anywhere on the desktop. It is also possible to run multiple instances of a gadget simultaneously. Windows Vista and 7 sidebar is also works on Windows XP.
It's common for gadgets to download within an archive, such as a ZIP file. You can't simply open the ZIP and expect the gadget to be installed. Instead, you need to extract the GADGET file from the archive, and then open the GADGET file.
You should always have an antivirus program installed on your computer; there are plenty of free ones for Windows. Having a good AV program running all the time can stop malicious programs, and virus-laden Windows gadgets, from causing any damage.
While you might have lots of technological gadgets lying around your house, in the world of Windows a gadget is a small utility application that sits directly on your desktop and performs a single simple function. There are gadgets that display current weather conditions, stock prices, or news headlines; gadgets that monitor your PC's performance, wireless connection, or notebook battery life; gadgets that let you play games, listen to music, or display photo slideshows.
Gadgets are designed to put content, information, and functions at your fingertips. It's handier to have content modules floating on the desktop than to dig through layers of menus to open each application individually (see Figure 1). For that reason, I'm a big fan of gadgets; I think you will be, too.
The concept of gadgets didn't start with Microsoft, however. The first of these small content modules originated with a company called Konfabulator, which created what it called widgets for the desktop. (Widgets are just another name for gadgets.) Konfabulator was subsequently purchased by Yahoo!, resulting in the now-renamed Yahoo! Widgets. You can download a whole variety of Yahoo! Widgets; these widgets operate similarly to Windows gadgets.
In time, other companies embraced the gadgets paradigm. Google Desktop, for example, includes among its many functions a variety of gadgets that dock onto the Desktop's sidebar. And in the world of Apple computers, the Dashboard enables users to add a variety of widgets to the Mac desktop.
With all these competing gadgets, Microsoft actually was a little late to the game. The company first introduced gadgets in Windows Vista, as part of Vista's Sidebar. Windows gadgets proved popular enough to survive the death of the Sidebar, which was removed from Windows 7. Instead, Windows 7 enables you to place gadgets directly on the desktop—no Sidebar required.
All gadgets sit directly on the Windows 7 desktop. To add a new gadget to your desktop, right-click anywhere on the desktop; then select Gadgets from the pop-up menu. When the Gadgets window appears, double-click the gadget you want to add (see Figure 2).
Only a limited number of gadgets appear in the Gadgets window. Don't fear, however; many more gadgets can be found online. All you have to do is click Get More Gadgets Online at the bottom of the Gadgets window; this action opens your web browser and displays the good old Personalize Your PC page. Click the Desktop Gadgets tab and then click the Get More Desktop Gadgets link.
This action opens the Personalize PC page, with available gadgets sorted by category. At last count, more than 3,000 gadgets were available, so you'll probably be able to find at least one you want to try (see Figure 3). Click the Download button for any gadget you want, and it will be downloaded and installed on your desktop.
The approach consists of tweaking a feature of HWiNFO that was implemented years ago to support using the software with the now long-dead Windows Sidebar gadgets. This allows you to output the current values of one or more sensors to the Windows Registry, where it can be easily accessed using the Registry measure in Rainmeter. A distinct HWiNFO plugin for Rainmeter is no longer required.
Privacy PC came across an interesting topic raised by Mickey Shkatov and Toby Kohlenberg at the last Black Hat USA conference. The researchers were talking about comparatively rare but potentially very hazardous attack vector dealing with Microsoft Windows desktop gadgets. We have contacted Mickey Shaktov and asked him several questions.
I was reviewing (and rejecting) a proposed change to the question What's the "gadget vulnerability"? which added the tag windows-gadgets to the existing duo of windows-desktop-gadgets and gadget, and there's also a plural gadgets.
windows-gadgets has a wiki description, 19 questions, one top answerer with 3 answers, everyone else with one, and minimal recent activity. All questions previously tagged windows-gadgets are now tagged windows-desktop-gadgets.
gadgets has no tag wiki, 27 questions, one answerer with 3 answers (everyone else just one) and minimal recent activity. The questions previously tagged gadgets have been detagged or retagged (sometimes windows-desktop-gadgets, sometimes google-gadget).
In this article, we'll take a look at developing gadgets for Windows Vista using DHTML, JavaScript, and CSS. We'll introduce the object model, and security aspects of gadget development. By the end of the article we'll have built a real gadget. You can download the code / gadget from OdeToCode. Note: in order for the gadget to work, you'll need to sign up and obtain an API key from Flickr. Enter this apiKey on line three of ShowMeLife.js.
There are three different types of gadgets, which can create some confusion. There are Windows Live gadgets, Vista Sidebar gadgets, and Windows SideShow gadgets. This article is going to focus on Sidebar gadgets. Unfortunately, the APIs between these three platforms are not compatible, though Microsoft says they are working on improving compatibility in the future. Currently, writing a cross platform gadget requires some tradeoffs and careful planning (see Donavon West's "Write Once, Run Everywhere" post for more information). Let's take a brief look at the three gadget platforms.
Sidebar gadgets install locally on a user's machine, although they do not appear in the Start menu. The Windows Sidebar application (sidebar.exe) is responsible for managing, hosting, and selecting Sidebar gadgets. As we'll see later in this article, Sidebar gadgets can run on the desktop, or inside the sidebar area itself. This sidebar can take a dedicated amount of space on the screen, or can hide behind other windows. We create Sidebar gadgets using HTML, script, and the System.Gadget object model.
Windows Vista ships with a number of Sidebar gadgets out of the box, but users can download additional gadgets from the Windows Live gallery. Being close to the machine means a Sidebar gadget has some advantages over their web counterparts. For instance, Sidebar gadgets can access some local resources on the machine.
Windows Live gadgets can customize the look of a Windows Live homepage or Windows Live space. We can also build these gadgets using a combination of HTML and script. Instead of appearing in the Vista sidebar, these gadgets appear inside a web browser when a user is browsing a web page with a gadget installed. These gadgets are also available from the Live gallery for users to click and add. 041b061a72